Paola Association for Church Action

Incorporated in 1973, the Paola Association for Church Action (PACA) is an organization of churches working together in Christian witness to our community. We partner with other community groups and agencies to meet the physical, social and educational needs of our communities.

Operation Holiday

Sharing Christ's love during the holiday season by providing those in need in Miami County a Price Chopper gift card with an amount based on household size and monthly income. Sign up forms are available at the end of November with distribution of the gift cards in mid December.

Food Bank

The PACA Food Bank provides assistance with groceries to those in need. The food bank is open on Wednesdays from 12:00-1:30 p.m. and is located at 1 S Pearl Street on the East side of the building at the lobby drive-up area (former Kansas Works Building). You can contact My Father's House or any Paola church to place an order.

Nursing Home Worship Services

Local churches, who are members of PACA, take turns spreading and sharing of the Lord's Word by providing worship services to care/nursing homes in the area on Sunday afternoons.

Assistance Vouchers

Several vouchers including utility assistance, gas, hotel, camping and hot meal vouchers are provided through PACA. Vouchers are limited on how many times per year you can apply and amounts that can be provided. Gas vouchers for medical appointments much show proof of appointment and must be more than 20 miles or more away. For information contact our service coordinator, Janea White at My Father's House for more information.

PACA is a designated 501(c) (3) organization and is supported by tax-deductable donations from individuals and organizations, contributions from member churches, the local United Way and gifts from charitable trusts.